One great thing about poetry is that (just like any other kind of writing) everyone can do it. Not to say that everyone can do it well, but a lack of skill shouldn't preclude an attempt. You get better at something by practicing, after all.
For most of us, though, writing poetry is about having fun with words, not improving a specific skill.
For National Poetry Month 2015, I'm setting myself a challenge to post a new, original poem every day of the month. Granted, most of them will be extremely short — haiku or senryu — but not all of them. I think it'll be fun, but what would make it even more fun is sharing the challenge with others.
Are you up to the challenge?
If you've got a blog and want to set yourself on this poetic trial, let me know — in the comments here, on Facebook, on Twitter, or on Google+. I'll happily link to your daily blog poems when I post my own. If enough people are into it, I might even put together a nice little badge for those who complete all 30 poems.
Tips for writing a poem every day
- Work ahead.
- At least once, write a type of poem you haven't written before — a sonnet, free verse, a limerick, whatever.
- Nothing good rhymes with orange.
- Make every word count.