Other Great Blogs

General Logophilic Fun

harm•less drudg•eryA blog from Merriam-Webster lexicographer Kory Stamper, who offers entertaining and well-written posts about the life and times of the ultimate word nerd.

Language Log: A gaggle of professional linguists who take on language wherever it is used

Sesquiotica: A blog all about words, and one that I hope Logophilius can live up to

A Walk in the WoRds: A fun place to share interesting linguistic observations regarding sound, meaning and structure

Separated by a Common Language: Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK

The Truth about Grammar: Dogging on spelling and grammar turkeys found in the wild

OxfordWords Blog: Articles about words, language, and dictionaries from the people who wrote the book on words

Sentence first: From Stan Cary, an Irishman's blog about the English language where you'll find posts about usage, grammar, styles, literature, history, and quirks.

Grammar, Usage, and Editing

You Don't Say: Veteran Baltimore Sun editor John McIntyre dissects the finer points of grammar, usage, and editing

Grammar Underground: June Casagrande's spot-on tips (and podcasts!) for becoming a better writer

An American Editor: Notes from a professional editor about editing, publishing, and writing

Angry Sub-Editor: Writing advice from a red-faced editor

Writers, Writing, and Books

Landless: Tony Noland offers up original limericks, flash fiction, and posts about writing

Friday Flash: A collector of fine flash fiction from around the Internet

Neil Gaiman's Journal:
The blog of one of my favorite authors